Medical Administrative Assistant Online Certificate Program

Now you can train to be a medical assistant at your own pace and within your schedule. The online medical administrative assistant certification program is offered by TJC with interactive learning modules, 24/7 mentoring, learning exercises, labs, and a student portal with career resources.

With monthly payment plans, 4-6 month completion time, and completely online classes, The TJC administrative medical assistant certificate program is the most accessible way to break into this in-demand career field.

To enroll today, click here: Enroll Now.

Medical administrator answering a phone call

Quick Facts

  • Tuition: $1,599.00
  • 4-6 months completion
  • 0% APR payment plans starting at $171.43/mo.
  • Register: Enroll Now
  • Contact: Call 888-574-6218

What is a Medical Administrative Assistant?

Medical administrative assistants are the foundation of doctor’s offices, clinics, and hospitals. Without them phones would go unanswered, appointments unscheduled, and supplies unstocked. They are often the first and last person a patient sees when coming in for their appointment, allowing them to play a vital role in patient satisfaction. Other typical responsibilities of a medical administrative assistant include checking patients in for their appointments, processing lab results, and maintaining medical records.

Job Prospects of Administrative Medical Assistants

Medical administrative assistants, medical secretaries, and medical records clerks are all positions in great demand. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for these professionals is projected to grow by 16% through 2031, which is much higher than the average for other U.S occupations. With a growing and aging population, medical administrative assistants will be key to keeping medical facilities running smoothly in the years to come.

Medical Administrative Assistant Career Opportunities

Becoming a certified medical assistant is an accessible first step into the healthcare industry. Medical administrative assistants can advance their careers by progressing to positions as executive administrative assistants or medical office managers.

Medical Administrative Assistant Certification Cost

Administrative medical assistance training costs are much lower than those of other medical careers, such as nurses or physicians. At just $1,349, TJC’s online medical administrative assistant program is an affordable way to enter the medical field and start your new career.

Salary of a Medical Administrative Assistant

Based on 2021 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median medical administrative assistant salary is $38,270 per year. With experience, assistants can earn over $48,000 per year.

TJC’s Medical Administrative Assistant Certificate Program Overview

The online medical administrative assistant program at TJC is a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you to assist dentists and dental hygienists.

Job Ready in as little as 4 Months

According to the National Healthcareer Association’s (NHA) 2020 industry outlook, 75% of medical administrative assistant employers encourage or require certification. The TJC medical administrative assistant online certificate program is your opportunity to gain the experience you need for this in-demand career field in only 4-6 months.

Key Topics Include:

  • Medical terminology
  • Basics of insurance billing and coding
  • Medical records management and management of practice finances
  • History and background of the medical assisting profession
  • Interpersonal skills, medical ethics, and basic medical law
  • Telephone techniques and skills for scheduling appointments

Educational Requirements

  • Students in the TJC online medical administrative assistant certification program should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.

Certifications Available

Along with a TJC medical administrative assistant certificate, students will be prepared to sit for the leading national/industry-recognized certification exams essential to entry-level employment as a medical administrative assistant.

Your Enrollment Includes:

  • 24/7 instructor support and course mentoring 
  • Student and instructor collaboration 
  • Engaging labs, student exercises, course videos, and animated simulations 
  • Student pre and post-assessments and online performance tracking 
  • National and state certification opportunities 
  • A secure Student Portal which includes: career guidance, resume writing, and other career resources 

How to Enroll

Our enrollment process is quick and easy. Access to this self-paced course is as simple as creating an account and submitting payment. Our enrollment specialists are available 24/7, just in case you have any questions along the way.

Enroll Now

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medical administrative assistant