Clinical Medical Assistant Online Certificate Program

Now you can train to be a medical assistant at your own pace and within your schedule. The clinical medical assistant online certificate program is offered by TJC with interactive learning modules, 24/7 mentoring, learning exercises, labs, and a student portal with career resources.

With monthly payment plans, 4-6 month completion time, and self-paced online classes, The TJC clinical medical assistant certificate program is the most accessible way to break into this in-demand career field.

To enroll today, click here: Enroll Now.

A clinical medical assistant smiles in front of her clinical office

Quick Facts

  • Tuition: $2,199.00
  • 4-6 month completion time
  • 0% APR payment plans starting at $242.86/mo.
  • Register: Enroll Now
  • Contact: 888-574-6218

Life as a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant

As an integral part of any medical team, clinical medical assistants perform various clinical tasks in doctor’s offices, clinics, and other medical facilities. If you enjoy working with people and have a desire to help others, a career as a CMA is an exciting and rewarding way to enter the medical field.

No two days are alike as a medical assistant. One day you may be assisting with the administration of medications. Next, you could be performing an electrocardiogram (EKG). As a medical assistant, you’ll have the opportunity to perform various duties and learn new skills while working closely with patients and medical professionals.

Best of all, you can complete your training in as little as 4-6 months with our online medical assistant program at TJC.

Clinical Medical Assistant Job Outlook

The demand for medical assistants throughout the healthcare industry is projected to grow by 29% through 2026, making it one of the fastest-growing careers in America. With a growing and aging population, advances in medical technology, and new medical facilities opening, medical assistants will be needed to perform a variety of tasks to keep medical offices and clinics running smoothly.

Where do Clinical Medical Assistants Work?

Medical assistants can find work in several different medical settings, including doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics, and outpatient facilities. With such a variety of job options available, medical assistants can choose a career path that aligns best with their interests and goals.

Medical Assistant Career Opportunities

Becoming a certified medical assistant is a great first step into the healthcare industry. MAs who wish to advance their careers can do so by completing additional training, including medical billing and coding, medical transcription, or medical office administration. With further training, medical assistants can find jobs in medical office management or even as registered nurses.

TJC Clinical Medical Assistant Certification Program Cost

Medical assistant training costs are much lower than those of other medical careers, such as registered nurses or physicians. And at just $2,199, TJC’s clinical medical assistant program is an affordable way to enter the medical field and start your new career. Monthly payments start at $153.93!

How Much do Clinical Medical Assistants make?

Based on 2021 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical assistants earn a median salary of $37,190 per year. With experience, medical assistants can earn over $46,000 per year.

TJC Clinical Medical Assistant Certificate Program Overview

The Clinical Medical Assistant program at TJC is a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you to assist physicians by performing functions related to the clinical aspects of a medical office.

Job Ready in as little as 4 Months

According to the National Healthcareer Association’s (NHA) 2020 industry outlook, 89% of clinical medical assistant employers encourage or require certification. The TJC medical assistant online certificate program is your opportunity to gain the experience you need for this in-demand career field in only 4-6 months.

Some of the course topics include:

  • Clinical responsibilities of the medical office – assisting the physician with patient-related care
  • Preparing patients for examination and treatment, routine procedures, and diagnostic testing
  • HIPAA, patient confidentiality, legal aspects of healthcare, and regulatory patient care issues
  • Recording and taking of vital signs, blood pressure, and other patient care items related to a physician’s office visit  
  • Review and administration of medications, allergies, and other pharmacology-related items  
  • Laboratory procedures, phlebotomy, and the proper techniques required to collect specimens for laboratory analysis  
  • Cardiology and the proper placement of leads when taking a 12-lead EKG

Educational Requirements

  • Students in the TJC online medical assistant certificate program should have or be pursuing a high school diploma or GED.

Certifications Available

Along with receiving a TJC clinical medical assistant certificate, students will be prepared to sit for the leading national/industry-recognized certification exams essential to entry-level employment as a medical assistant.

Your Enrollment Includes:

  • 24/7 instructor support and course mentoring 
  • Student and instructor collaboration 
  • Engaging labs, student exercises, course videos, and animated simulations 
  • Student pre and post-assessments and online performance tracking 
  • National and state certification opportunities 
  • A secure Student Portal which includes: career guidance, resume writing, and other career resources 

How to Enroll

Our enrollment process is quick and easy. Access to this self-paced course is as simple as creating an account and submitting payment. Our enrollment specialists are available 24/7, just in case you have any questions along the way.

Enroll Now

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certified medical assistant